Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Finding more blogging mom's!!

I am really excited today, I subscribed to google's upcycling blogs so that I would get an email when someone else was blogging about repurposing or upcycling items. I got a gem with yesterday's email.
karimas blogs button

It was so exciting to get a message back from Karmima today with a link to her other blog and that lead me to something called "Link Parties". I went to two of those a posted a link to my instructions for the sock dolls. Now, I have two more followers in my blog. A total of four but HOORAY! It's a start and it has been fun looking at the other blogs and getting ideas. Hopefully making some friends too.
Here is another new blog I joined:

And this one has 1000 followers!!! I am so proud of these women and feel like I have so much to learn to make my blog more interesting. I have spent so much time trying to attract attention on etsy and neglected blogging!

I think I might be getting too old for this but I am going to try. I am 49 and a half!!! It can't be too late to learn and I am not asking my kids to help me. They just roll their eyes anyway.

I added two items on etsy for almost free and no postage to try to build up fans on Facebook and this blog. So I will see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi again, just popped by to see what you were up to and noticed my blog button, yeah! I hope you enjoy joining in the link parties they can be fun and it is a great way to get some followers and also great to find ideas of other crafts you can do yourself. I have even seen new bloggers set up their own link parties to get more followers, I am not quite ready for that but it could be a possibility if I get more time on my hands! I also learnt from you today as I have never heard of these google emails, I need to look into that! Good luck in your renewed interest in blogging, Karima x www.karimascrafts.com
