Friday, September 16, 2011

Today's favorite blog on Upcycling

The Creative Princess if full of awesome ideas. This creative gal makes everything and anything from a repurposed item and her results are so wonderful. I am blown away by her talent. The amount of money and waste avoided is amazing.

As I look around my house at all the stuff my kids have collected...I feel kind of guilty. I am renewing my efforts to be more thrifty and to repurpose many items in my house. We have been cleaning like crazy for my sister in laws visit this week. (I know, why do we do that?) I found a bunch of old cloth napkins and dyed them to use for dinner. I even cut up some old towels bound for Goodwill by my dh and dyed them purple and now they are kitchen rags. I was dying a skirt purple to make for a friend and so I just threw in the new rags. They look very colorful.

I found another blog I just love:


I guess working full time, I got out of the loop.I wish I had started bloging a long time ago. It is a great outlet and the ideas that are being shared are fantastic. I love the internet. I love knowing other mom's are staying home. I even love my horrible employer for putting me out of work on WC this past six months and allowing me to remember how much I love being home with my kids.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Tracey, I remember how creative you have ALWAYS been! I miss ya!'s your old buddy Lisa!! so glad to have found your blog! yay for blogs!
