Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Audrey's Reccomendations Part ONE~!

Hey there everybody! Today's a special treat from me, the daughter! My mother is too busy cooking for my brother's birthday to blog, so I decided to take it upon myself to post today~ If all goes well, I just might start doing this more regularly.

I like to wander around the internet in my free time, and while doing so I happened to come across Meredith Dillman's artwork.  She uses a lot of watercolours (my favourite medium) and has fantasy and Asian settings. Imagine my excitement when I found she has an etsy shop! She has a lot of great stuff featuring her artwork including prints, cards, pendants, pins, and even pocket mirrors! Here are a few of my favourites:

Feel free to check out her other online shop, blog, and deviantART gallery as well, found here, here, and here.

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