Hey there everybody! Today's a special treat from me, the daughter! My mother is too busy cooking for my brother's birthday to blog, so I decided to take it upon myself to post today~ If all goes well, I just might start doing this more regularly.
I like to wander around the internet in my free time, and while doing so I happened to come across Meredith Dillman's artwork. She uses a lot of watercolours (my favourite medium) and has fantasy and Asian settings. Imagine my excitement when I found she has an etsy shop! She has a lot of great stuff featuring her artwork including prints, cards, pendants, pins, and even pocket mirrors! Here are a few of my favourites:
Feel free to check out her other online shop, blog, and deviantART gallery as well, found here, here, and here.

Going Green is more than recycling empty soda cans. We have been "upcycling" for years in other ways but did not realize it. Exploring ideas on using something old to create something new. With the high cost of fabric,taking a thrift store find to a new level is financially and environmentally appropriate. Plus it's so much fun to create! We think of ourselves as saving the planet, one skirt at a time!
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