Monday, July 9, 2012

New Sewing Students start week 3 off with a BANG!!

Audrey and I  were so excited to teach another week at All Saints in Carmel Valley.

 On Friday, we had three students signed up for our class..."Sew Much Fun" and a bit sad at the low number but we thought "hey, this is fun so who cares". Well good thing we were feeling flexible because over the weekend the numbers creeped up and we had a whopping NINE girls in our first class today. Between the ages of 6 to 12 with varying skill levels, each one of them excited to be there and ready to create.

 First project was the yo-yo flowers. One student was back from the first class so she helped the others learn to do the stitching correctly and zipped ahead to make the first headband as a wonderful example and inspiration to the other girls.

Working on threading the needles is a job that requires great concentration. I was so proud of Audrey for taking charge of teaching this project today. The girls really like her and listen to her so nicely. Her confidence in teaching has grown so much in a week's time.
 Audrey worked on the machines with one of the students, helping her understand how to use the presser foot lever correctly. The darling girl kept forgetting to put it down before starting to sew and got all kinds of wonkey results on her first few tries. Luckily she could laugh about it. Notice her darling Yo-yo flower headband that she made herself.
 Plenty of time for making friends or in this case, bringing a friend to class. Even while taking their "test" today on the Sewing machine parts, they were all giggles.
Yes, in this photo, one student is cut off! I am sorry! But I did say "two rows" because my camera does not have a wide angle lens!! I will do better next time. The girls are wearing their hair creations and hopefully taking home the notes to their parents today. Everyone that brings it back will get a surprise from our Etsy shop. Hopefully that motivates them. Last time, one student took her note home on the first day!

Crazy pillows are next up on the agenda along with the plushies from socks.

Anyone interested in attending in the future, we will be adding a class next week focusing on "American Girl Doll Sewing" with a Picnic theme. We hope to get a few takers once again. We love it at All Saint's!

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