Her striped socks came from www.welovecolors.com, the best place to get colorful stockings,gloves and tights.
She also got some upcycled gloves from an etsy seller in Ireland. She is on Etsy, and called Sprial gypsy. http://www.etsy.com/people/spiralgypsy?ref=ls_profile
We found several denim skirts to destroy and put in our etsy shop:
Next post will be instructions on destroying denim and adding the under appliqued details like the stars and leaves in these skirts.
We are hoping to get a spot on Heartsy.me and applied today. You can go on and register and vote for our shop if you are interested in helping us. Thank you.
Another one of our items got on to Etsy Lush,

She looks adorable in her white lace Zen And Coffee gloves! I love how she layered them over the argyle! Shes got a fantastic sense of style! That destroyed denim skirt is absolutely wonderful as well!
Thanks, we bought them from your shop on etsy. Next month we will be opening a shop with teen girls clothes. thanks for the compliment, coming from you, it means so much.